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Final Year

Thinking about what to do next in your final year of study? We are here to support and guide you with your decision making.

This is your final year of your undergraduate degree and it is the time to make those important decisions.

  • What do you want to do when you finish your degree?
  • Do you want to complete a masters?
  • Do you want to go onto a graduate scheme?
  • Do you work in a specific industry?

Not sure what you want to do? Don’t worry, whatever stage you are with your decision making, we are here to support you. You might want to think about what have you done so far, what decisions have you made, what modules/topics do you enjoy and have you got a passion (e.g sustainability) which could be turned into a career.

The employability team based in the school’s employability hub are here to help you every step of the way. Now might be a good time to book in for a career appointment with one of our dedicated consultants and advisors. It’s easy to book in to see us, simply book your appointment on Career Connect and choose the best option that suits you.

One starting point for this would be to review your activities within MySkills. You could also complete some personality tests on Team Focus, which would allow you to understand how you work and what your career preferences are based on your personality profile.